A Human Sciences Biannual Peer Reviewed Journal Issued by Sabratha University

DOI: https://doi.org/10.47891/sabujhs.v2i1

Published: Jun 30, 2018

Turkish Support for the Arab Issues in the New Millennium

22-1 أ.د مصطفى خشيم

Legal Assurances for the Rights of Illegal Immigrants

مقاربة قانونية سياسية

54-37 د. شعبان عصارة

The Suspicion that Cancel the Punishment

(Reading in the Libyan Law of Punishment and Compensation (Deaiah

54-37 أ. وليد دقديقة

An Introduction to the Important Styles of the Contemporary Administrative Thinking

Reengineering of the Administrative Processes

70-55 د. هيثم بيزان

Mind Reading Tasks in Relation to Social Competence among Children with Mild Mental Retardation in Tripoli

91-71 د. سهام الشيباني

An Evaluation of Final Examinations Questions according to Bloom's Classification of Cognitive Aims

قسم علم النفس بكلية الآداب جامعة صبراتة انموذجاً

107-92 د. ابتسام المزوغي

The Effect of a Training Program on Developing the Skills of Puppet Theater among Female students of the Department of Children Kindergarten at the Faculty of Education - Al Zawia

126-108 د. عياد مانيطة

Libyan Academy Students’ Treatment of Scientific Information

146-127 د. عبدالعزيز عامر

The Effects of Writing Apprehension in English Language on Mastering the Writing Skill

14-1 Dr.Hana Elkali