A Human Sciences Biannual Peer Reviewed Journal Issued by Sabratha University

DOI: https://doi.org/10.47891/sabujhs.v6i11

Published: Jun 30, 2022

*Sirte, trying to find out the date of the appearance of the name and its meaning

1-12 أ.عبد الله علي الرحيبي

Scientific Relations between the Neighboring Cities of Tripoli and Tunisia in the Seventh and Eighth Centuries AH / Thirteenth and Fourteenth Century AD

13-35 د. أحمد مسعود عبد الله مسعود

Bachelard's Classification of Stages of Scientific Thought

36-46 د. خالد امحمد فرج الوحيشي

Schopenhauer View of the Manifestations of Will and its Relationship to Existence

47-56 د. عبد المجيد علي التقاز

Diversity of the lexical unit: a linguistic study in the different narration of the hadith

57-77 د. عبد الله عبد السلام طالب

Phonetic Cascade Transformations in the Arabic Language: A Phonetic Study

78-92 د. زينب عبد السلام المقوز

Phonetic Triangulation in Surat Al-Fatihah and Al-Baqarah

93-104 د.عیاد مریحیل راشد أحمد

Facilitating and Removing Embarrassment in Islam

105-117 أ. محمد منصور علي منصور

Geographical Distribution of the Population in Northwestern Libya (1973- 2006 AD): a Study in Political Geography

118-131 د. فتحي عبد الله المبروك باحور

Graphic Expression Means and their Role in Producing and Reading Geographical Maps

132-144 د. عادل مسعود الشعيبي

A statistical study on the relationship between the percentage obtained by the student in the general secondary certificate, his performance in the entrance exams and his results during the first semester at the Faculty of Engineering - University of Beng

145-157 أ. د. عوض بودلال, أ. زينب بركة, د. عادل الشركسي, أ. نجاة بوسدرة, د. عصام العبيدي

International Anti-Corruption Efforts (Mechanisms)

158-186 د.عبد الباسط إبراهيم الحمري

The legislative competence of the president of state in a state of emergency

187-207 د. سالمة زايد الفيتوري ضو

Work stress and its impact on the performance of faculty members in higher technical education, a field study in colleges and higher technical institutes in the Western Region

208-231 أ. كميلة أبوزيد النعال

The effect of applying modern methods of management and motivation on the efficiency of the performance of workers in Libyan banks

232-262 د.عادل يونس علي الناكوع

Human development and its role in developing competitiveness of Arab countries for sustainable development

263-281 د. خالد علي العجيلي المحجوبي, د. المبروك عبدالله محمد مسعود, أ.د. محمد محمود محمد عيسى

Libyan EFL Teachers’ Perceptions of Teaching Competence: Towards Progress, Not Perfection
