A Human Sciences Biannual Peer Reviewed Journal Issued by Sabratha University

DOI: https://doi.org/10.47891/sabujhs.v5i1

Published: Jun 30, 2021

Political Science and Conspiracy Theories

26-1 أ.د. مصطفى خشيم

Awareness of Libyan Commercial Banks Staff of the Importance of Islamic Cheque Book (Sukuk) in Financing Economic Development Projects

دراسة ميدانية على العاملين بالفروع والنوافذ الإسلامية في المصارف التجارية العاملة بمدينة بنغازي

47-27 د. صالح الـجـازوي, أ. عبدالسـلام البــرعـصي

Monitoring Vegetation Degradation in the North East of Al-Jafara Plain Based on the Spectral Index (NDVI) of the Landsat Satellite Data for the Years (2008-2014-2020)

60-48 د. طارق المزوغي, د. عمر عون

Human Freedom between the Fatalism of Religion, the Mechanism of Nature, and the Causality of Science

Determinism and Indeterminism in Modern and Contemporary Western Thought

80-61 د. عبد الله عمران

Psychological Pressures Encountered by Final Secondary School Students

دراسة ميدانيه تحليلية

107-81 د. نوري الهواري

Factors Causing Divorce and its Psychological and Social Impact on the Divorced Woman

دراسة حالات

136-108 أ.د. عثمان أميمن, د. مباركة الذئب, د. سليمة الكوت

The Concept of Family and Ways to Maintain of Family Relations Continuation in Libyan society

A Contemporary Jurisprudence (Fighia) Study

150-137 د. أنيس الزير

Quarantine: A Legitimate Aim and a Preventive Measure

164-151 د. وليد عبد السميع

Deviation of the Systematic Expressions: Reduction Deviations as a Model

A Structural Analytical Study

184-165 د. إبتسام عامر

Investigating Libyan EFL Learners' Attitudes towards Learning English Idioms

12-1 Dr. Fouad Abdalhamid