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The role of email is becoming more and more important and email is considered one of the most effective tools of communication and correspondence nowadays. This research paper investigates the use of etiquette by Libyan EFL postgraduate students in writing formal emails. The aim is to shed light on the situation and determine to what extent Libyan EFL postgraduate students adhere to the rules of etiquette in their formal emails. Another aim is to try to find out if there are any problems, they face in this respect in order to find better ways that may help in dealing with them. To fulfill these aims, 39 students were asked to send a formal email to their instructor (the researcher) of subjects of their own choice. However, only 34 emails were received. The results have shown that the majority of the students who have participated in the study are aware of the overall structure and organization of emails written in formal style. However, examining details have shown that students face some problems that are not only related to style, but also to language and culture. It was apparent from the emails investigated that students lack practice and experience in writing formal emails. To overcome these difficulties, teachers are advised to raise their students’ awareness of the importance of using formal emails as a means of communication and to provide them with sufficient practice by regularly using formal email in their correspondence with their teachers. Students also need to be aware of the inter-linguistic and cultural differences; what might be acceptable and favorable in Arabic may lead to miscommunication problems when used in English.


أداب التخاطب البريد الألكتروني المراسلات الرسمية : Email Etiquette Netiquette Formal style

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How to Cite
Ahmed, D. A. (2020). The Use of Etiquette by Libyan EFL Postgraduate Students in Writing Formal Emails. Sabratha University Scientific Journal, 4(2), 16-1. Retrieved from